Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dad's Day!!!

In case any of y'all forgot, tomorrow is Father's Day!! So hurry, go get your tie before the stores close!

Tonight, we were discussing our plans of taking Daddy out for breakfast and giving him the special card they made for him, when my oldest pops up and says, "I wish there was a Kid Day like they have one for Mommy's and Daddy's!" My response to her was EVERYday is a Kid Day. She didn't like that answer much :)

But seriously, dads are amazing. I can't help but miss being near my dad on these days, (even though I am a slacker and didn't get anything in the mail to him.) But I think I am closer to my dad now as an adult than I was growing up. It's funny how your relationships with your parents change when you grow up. I think about all the sacrifices my parents made for everything we had. I love the work ethic that was instilled, the family values, the personal values. I love that my dad taught me how to work on my Volkswagen when it broke down. Even though I didn't then, I do now, I love the time we spent on the tractor working hay fields. I love that my parents weren't compromising on so many things, that made me the woman I am today.

I look at my own husband, and love the daddy he has become. I love that he wrestles the kids, I love that he teaches them with a Can-Do attitude. I love their bedtime routine of dad carrying all of them on his shoulders (at the same time!!) I love the thoughtfulness he puts into his time off with them, the special things they do together. I adore the way he will wait for Dillon to mow the lawn because he knows how much Dill loves to help! I love how he encourages Kasey with her gymnastics and reading. And it melts my heart to watch him cuddle the baby. Can't wait to watch and see their relationships develop.

But most of all I love that my children adore and look up to him in everyway and love him with all their hearts.

Thank you Dads (and Moms!) for holding the special places in all our hearts. Thank you for being the hand to guide us, and the support for us to lean on.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I am thinking of changing the name of my blog to "High Heels to Poo poo Spills." What'd ya think?

I am coming to you fresh off scrubbing my living room white carpets that my lil one destroyed in one fell swoop, or poop should I say.

This week, bitty (that's the baby) has been trouble, more trouble than usual sleeping. Last night was no exception. Last night he was up grunting and tooting all night trying to relieve himself. We were up all night with no progress. The day before, we couldn't stop him up...if its not one thing it's another.

After the kids were fed, I bleary eyed brewed a cup of much needed coffee (Kona blend, if your are curious.) Momma just wanted 10 minutes of peace to drink coffee and read the news. So I put bitty in his bouncer and the big kids were being entertained by the much beloved Dinosaur Train.

Just after my first sip, Dill comes running into the kitchen yelling...Derek just threw up everywhere!!!!! I jumped up and ran into the living room to assess the damage. Here are my next few words..

"That's not throw up, that's POOP!"

Somehow this kid had managed to get poop in a two foot radius covered from the waist down, with out one spot on the bouncer. When I scooped him out of the bouncer, I was covered. When I ran the tub to put him in, the tub was covered. I have never seen a Poop of such epic proportions!! (I have a pic, I'm scared to share it. If you want to see a pic please go to Hints, Tips and Tricks **i have taken it down**)

How do you even clean up this stuff up!?

With the baby clean, and the carpets stained a lovely color of baby poop yellow, it is now time for Mommy to get clean.

**Real time up date** Dillon just came from playing outside. Here is our conversation.

Why is your hair wet? Are you sweating?

No, the dog's been licking me!!! (grinning from ear to ear)

Off to the tub for him...No shower for mommy yet...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Perfect Package

Yesterday I took my little brood to Sam's Club for some shopping. We needed dog food, and fresh produce. I belive they have the best (produce, that is)!

Last trip there, we bought some amazing plums that were perfect and lasted almost 3 weeks. We did our little bit of shopping and then enjoyed a lunch of Sam's pizza and shared a coke. It was a delightful trip, and for those of you who follow regularly, know that's rare.

As I was putting away our groceries, I stopped to admire and ponder the packaing of the peaches. When I had first picked them up at the store, I thought how inconveient and bulky. But when I got home and all my peaches were PERFECT, not one bruise or scratch I came to appreciate the package.

They were in a perfect, little, square box. Each peach had its own cubby to rest in. Covered with a plastic lid.

This morning, as I was getting my children ready for Mother's Day out, I was wishing I had a nice, neat little box to place my children in. One that would protect them from all kinds of bumps and bruises.

Cheers, to being a Mommy!