Friday, February 11, 2011


It has recently occured to me, sadly just now, that it is not going to get done unless I do it.

It's just that plain and simple.

When I was working outside the home, it was so easy to sit back and say, "I dont have time for that," or " I need to be spending my free time with my family." I do not consider these excuses. They were very valid reason for not re-organizing the closet or dusting the fan blades. Family time was and still is top priority.

Now that I have found found myself with abundant supply of family time, I no longer have my valididation for not dusting. Many times I have opened my hallway closet and thought, "this closet sure does need to be sorted!" and subsequently closed the door and walked away.

No more my friends!

I had an epiphany this morning that, get this, NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO DO IT! My husband is pretty great about taking out trash, putting away his own laundry (when it is clean and folded *grin*), but closet organizing and sorting is not his forte...nor do I think I would want it to be. So, I bit the bullet and it's finished, nice and tidy. I was even able to get rid of some of the toy clutter from my playroom, I mean, leaving room. It only took a half hour. I feel great about it! The kids now have their own space for puzzles, playdoh, games, and coloring books.

This recent revelation also applies to cleaning behind the toilet, on top of the fridge, and under the beds. One of these days, my hope is that the kids will be big helpers and do some of these things with me, but until then...If its to be, its up to me!

Off to do anything other than clean out the other 4 closests that are so desperatly neglected.

Tip of the day: Don't put off for tomorrow what can be done today (easier said than done, I know!)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Adventures in Nursing...

WARNING! This particular could be considered by some to contain TMI (Too Much Information)

So please, stop now if you are offended by any of the following:
Throw up

Now that you all have been duly warned on with today's discussion.

I just love, love, love the smell of baby spit up in the morning. NOT! My newest son is a great eater. All of my kids for that matter have been great at breastfeeding, and we are so fortunate. I know a lot of women have had trouble and not been able to breastfeed as planned.
Both my boys in particular have been guzzlers, Derek in particular. He eats so fast he often spits up quite a bit after. Most times, I have to wait to shower and put on fresh clothes for the day until after the second morning feeding. This morning we were both covered. Gross! I know, TMI.

For those of you who have breastfed you know how demanding it can be. Feeding a newborn in general is demanding. But unlink formula fed babies, you can't just whip up a quick bottle and anyone can feed baby. One afternoon last week, baby D was particularly hungry while Dad was holding him. I was trying to get some (*ugh*) laundry dried and put away (shock, I know!) Dad was getting a little exasperated with satisfying baby with his paci. His remark to me was, "Aren't you going to feed him soon?"
Well, of course I was! I just had to get some quick duties wrapped up.

Later that evening when we were getting the big kids ready for bed the subject of their bedtime "snack" and milk came up. I handed off lil D to dad to hold while I got everyone ready for bed with their snack and milk. Baby promptly started crying, wanted his bedtime "snack." Mockingly, I relayed this afternoon's remark, "Aren't you going to feed him soon?"

My sweet, innocent, little Dillon's reply to us both was delivered very seriously. He said, "Mom, Dad doesn't have milk boobs!"

We all died laughing! Milk boobs...hahaha. The concept to a 3 year old boy has to be hilarious. When I try to tell him he drank out of milk boobs too, he is *udderly* (pun intended) grossed out.

Ooh, the life of a breastfeeding mom. We encounter the strangest experiences and discussions!

Well, off to resume my bovine duties.