Monday, October 20, 2014

Sacred Blankies

As you well know we have kids.

My kids all have blankies. Each blanket has a special name from each kid. Significantly enough, these were the blankets we bought for them as soon as we found out we were having a boy or girl.

We have a 10 yr old Blankie Pink, which is now a well loved shade of greyish-pink. It started off a plush pink side, and a silky smooth satin side, which were affectionately referred to as "cold side or warm side."

For 7 years we have had a duo blanket team, because one cuddle blanket was not enough for this kid! They are Blankie Blue, and Blankie White. They also are composed of a "cold side" and a "warm side."

The newest addition to the family is a 4 yr old Blankie Green (which is actually mostly white, but Blankie White was already taken.) All of these of the same composition. Over the years though, blanket manufacturers got fancy, and started adding texture. You can see this evolution in our blankie family. 

You see my kids know these blankets by no other name. These blankets are sacred. They are loved. They are security.

These blankies have been to nearly every doctors appointment, healed nearly every wound, and have wiped more tears (among other things) than you can imagine.It's a privilege for this mom to wash these well worn soldiers of our home.

Usually when I can sneak them away, these well loved blankets are dirty, smelly, and just plain gross. But soon they are washed clean, smelling new, and just as fluffy as they once were, waiting to be held.

My children have these blankets near them most of the time they are home. Just recently, my 10 yr old has started to question if she should still have a blankie...that it might be embarrassing to still sleep with it even trying to sneak it to a slumber party.

Reminding me so much of our faith.

As children we PROUDLY walk around spouting off bible verses and never wavering in our belief, confidently carrying around and loving on our Savior. But somewhere along the way we question if its still cool to carry Him around so boldly and proclaim our love.

We are diry, smelly, gross sinners. Im so glad He washes new every day, waiting to hold us. Renewing us. 

I pray, that my children continue to CLING to Him as much as they do their blankies. I will always encourage them to hold dear to that which they love. No matter if it's still cool or popular.

Love on Him, lean on Him, let Him wipe your tears, and heal all your wounds, wash you clean.
His love never fails.

Warning to future spouses: Be prepared to get a special sentimental gift one day that has a "warm and a cold side" and goes by the name Blankie.