Sunday, April 19, 2015


I've been wresting with something. Something deep within my soul for some time. I know it's there. Lurking. Holy Spirit keeps whispering it to me.

Discipline--To train oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way. 

Confession time. I have been content to float along as the wind blows, doing what needs to be done as it comes up.

Menu planning healthy meals for my family, eh...I'll get to it.

That laundry pile on the end of my bed, eh, I'll get to it, but first Netflix!

Oh, the gym? Yeah, I'll get back there "one day."

Bag of chips and a Dr. Pepper? Sure! 

I want it to stop before it becomes..."Nah, Lord, I'll get to what you have to say tomorrow."

"For lack of discipline they will die, led astray by their own great folly." Prov 5:23

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11

How do we learn it or do you even "learn" to be disciplined? Is it something that only comes from great practice? One foot in front of the other, doing what is right, what you are called to do. Habitual.

"A sluggard's appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." Prov 13:4.

Recently, in a message, we heard "Conviction should always lead to action." This has been stirring within me for two weeks now.

Conviction should always lead to action.

Conviction has been sitting heavy, action has been nil.

The space between action and conviction is procrastination.

"If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do ans doesn't do it, it is a sin for them." James 4:17

So, here I find my self deciding on action and asking why I procrastinate.
 Am I afraid of expectation, or not meeting expectations?
Am I resisting like a petulant child not wanting to clean their room?
My Heavenly Father loves me and only wants whats best for me. We KNOW that as parents, we only want the best for our sweet children.
 How much more does the Lord love me? How much sweeter could my life be if it was FULL of obedience? 

On my crossfit shoes I have this verse, "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

I have not been doing ALL my good works.

One thing. That's how it starts. Just doing one thing, making it habitual, disciplined.
Conviction. Action. Success. Confidence. Then one more thing.
Before you know it, you have all last weeks laundry finally put away!
Take the one step to the gym, be a good steward of your health.
Conviction. Action. Success. Confidence.
Choose a salad instead of a cheeseburger.
Conviction. Action. Success. Confidence. 
Share what the Lord is doing in your life with that one friend! Do not be afraid.
Conviction. Action. Success. Confidence.

Will you join me in seeking out a well disciplined life? What's your one thing you can do?

Monday, February 2, 2015

Words of Truth

Once upon a time, I was a cheerleader.

It was the one thing I could do well, I loved it. I studied it, craved it. My senior year I learned a life long lesson. Seventeen years later I still think of it often.

That year, 1997-1998, was supposed to by MY year. I had paid my dues, put in my time, and worked hard. Was ready to take my team to the next level!

 New coach, new rules, new team mates.

We had worked together all summer leading into school, ran many miles, lifted many weights (YES cheerleaders lift weights), and attended several camps, we were ready to start off right. It was time to elect leadership. Names were put into a hat and the outcome was decided quickly.

Names were announced, congratulations extended and dreams were crushed as I found out it was not going to be "my" year as I had expected. I would love to share the part about me being a good sport, but I can't. I was teary and sad. I was a "leader," everyone said so,  wasn't I supposed to be the Captain or even the Co-Captain?

Amid my tears, Coach Linda, who was the epitome of tough love, sat me down and spoke these words of truth,

"You don't need the title, to be a leader."


That sentence changed my entire perspective. With that sentence, I could still use my God-given abilities to lead by example, encouraging and supporting my coach and teammates (with exception of a hair cutting debacle) and share my ideas in confidence. It challenged me to be the best I could be. With a great team, we went on that year to place in the state competition for the first time in the history of our high school, also moving on to compete in the national competition. It was an unexpected year indeed.

Friends, I write this to you as an encouragement. Have you been passed up for a promotion you thought you deserved? Are you missing a piece of paper on your wall that leaves a gaping hole for insecurities to sweep in and steal joy? You are good enough. You always have a choice. 

Don't wait for someone to tell you can do something or your not qualified enough, don't wait for a "title" that says you can,  just go and do what God made you to do.

What is holding you back right now?

Go! Lead, Dance, Influence, Sing, Care, Serve, Give!