Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I am in a rough season in my journey as a parent. It seems everyday is a battle and often wonder where those sweet times of cuddling went.

This week my children were told to clean up the living room as their chore after dinner. After repeated reminders, Phineas and Ferb still won over. Mom stormed in and shut off the TV. In my haste, I promptly declared that they were ground from TV for the rest of the week! In my head I was thinking (There, take that!!!)

Little did I realize what I was really doing to myself.

When we get home from school they are allowed to watch about 30-60 minutes of educational TV, or PBS (after homework, of course!) This gives them time to unwind from the stimulus of school, have a snack, and get ready for dinner. Our normal routine after dinner consists of something we have penned as "Settle-down time." This time is bath, and sitting with mom or dad while we watch TV as a family.

Now, what I thought was appropriate punishment for not obeying ....I grounded my children from TV. What really happened is I grounded my self from any kind of free time to do dishes, cook dinner, or laundry...ummm, is that really free time???

My referee shirt is getting overtime use. And hopefully we are all learning the consequences to our actions!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I love my white tile floors...most of the time. Scratch that. I strongly dislike my white tile floors, with a self feeding toddler.
They show EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING sticks to them.

Cheerios are a staple at our house for snacks, projects, and for breakfast.

I don't know if you know this or not...but cheerios when softened with milk become highly adhesive. No, more like a compound. They are nearly impossible to get unstuck off the floors. If NASA could bottle that, they could probably save their shuttle program alone.

Rice, mashed potatoes, bananas, these are all things I have found impossible to get up off my floors. I almost want carpet. Almost...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Keeping up with the Mrs. Jones'

Hello friends, I have missed you and have missed writing, so here I am sitting in the home office, surrounded by unfolded laundry and Friends reruns to stop and write to you! It must be some sort of crazy self therapy?

I know I have posted before about the moms who are seemingly put together, but there are moms out there who do in fact, do it all..on Pinterest.

Since I have last written, I have discovered the wonderfulness that is Pinterest. I sit and pin, and pin, and pin. I have boards for all these great crafty ideas, organization ideas, awesome healthy recipes, how to clean your house lists, activities to do with kids, and exercises for toned abs and buns. If you are on Pinterest, YOU KNOW what I'm talking about.

Aside from the random recipe I try, it's all pretty much a fantasy land. Your house isn't full of custom painted art and furniture? Your closet isn't full of J.Crew clothing either? You don't have the firm, flat tummy of that random girl? Are you kidding!? I am lucky to have one piece of art that is hanging even straight! I am lucky to have Cheerios up off the floor and a wearing a clean t-shirt from college with my ratty jeans. And I won't even talk about going to the gym.

But I love it....I love my fantasy land, aside from my minor Pinterest depression...

Going into this summer, I vow to not hold my self up to the Mrs. Jones standards of doing everything Pinterestly perfect! I will do what I can, when I can, and with my 3 wonderful children. And I fully plan on implementing some of the fun crafts I found on Pinterest.

(I know, this is not my best post...it feels a little rough around the edges, but maybe I will have more time this summer to get back into it!)