Friday, May 6, 2011

Sharing the Love

Right now, I am not being a very good mommy. Today, was field trip day for the kindergartners. We went to the zoo and then to the park for a picnic lunch.

60 kindergartens y'all....that's all I have to say.

Needless to say, by the time I got everyone in the car, there were tears flowing from 3, almost 4, sets of eyes. Kasey didn't want to come with me, Dill didn't want to leave, and poor lil baby Derek couldn't wait to get home to his bed.

So I hurried up and laid everyone down so I could look at the surprise that was at my door when we got home!

My great and talented friend Lindsey Stice , who is also a mommy to the most adorable red head ever, dropped off our family pics, I have been so excited to get them and share them with everyone. Also, please notice her creativity on my fancy new blog title...I love this gal and would be happy to recommend her to you for any of your photography occasions!

So posted here are some of my favorites by Mrs. Lindsey Stice.