Friday, October 29, 2010

Some random updates...

Good Morning friends, it's the last Friday in October. I can't hardly believe it. That means we have about 4 weeks until our life is going to get turned upside down by the arrival of G3...and let me tell you, Momma is scared!

So, I just wanted to take today and update on some past posts.

1. We have invested in the Safety Harness, or as it is known to Dillon, his "backpack." And peeps, he loves it! It is so funny, when we purchased it, he couldn't wait to get it on. I think he channels Diego and his Rescue Pack. We tried it out at the mall for the first time, I wish I had pics to post...but at one point he was almost level with the floor from me holding him up. Fun times...but that day was the first day he went home without having to get a spanking for running across the parking lot.
I did get quite a few judging stares, but those judgers, they have no idea what I'm dealing with here, so I just let them judge.

2. Cooler weather is here!!! Do you know what that means? The crickets are finally gone! And...I took the liberty upon myself to do a little spraying around the house...with "natural" insecticide of course. It has been refreshing not to have to sweep up those lil buggers every day! I WON (or so I tell myself!)

3. The house still does not remain clean...but I did get to the cabinets and baseboards in the kitchen and the bathroom. Not sure why those need to be cleaned in order for a baby to arrive, but hey they're finished and probably need to be done again actually. Help!

4. Today marks the 50th day of Kasey's kindergarten. We have received 2 progress reports and one report card all with glowing accolades. She is doing great, and already reading like a pro...I think.

5. We still do not have a baby name!

6. YAY! We only have one more week of football, that's all I have to say about that.

I hope you are all gearing up and getting ready for Thanksgiving, it seems this fall has flown by.
What are you cookin up for Thanksgiving? Anything new? And can I come?

Monday, October 18, 2010

My man...

On another, super short note.

I love my husband, and I still think he is hot!

(sorry just thought I'd share, I just uploaded new pictures and disregard the hanger in the back, its only evidence that I do indeed iron!)

My boy...

I know I write a lot on here about my son, Dillon. But I have to say he is one amazing person and I just can't get enough of him (and he is who I spend the majority of my time with these days...)

When we are home, my boy is so sweet. I get told how much he loves me at least 15 times a day, who tires of that? I am constantly getting showered with adoring kisses and hugs. We sit together quietly (and Mom occasionally naps) and watch Dora, Diego, and friends. We play games, and read books. He loves me.

Great conversations ensue over our lunch of hot dogs and mac n cheese, then my little sweetness will say he's tired and off to nap time we go. Easy as pie....

THEN, when we step out the front door something happens. Something unexplainable...he turns into a raging maniac, 3 year old toddler! I am not going to be taking him much of anywhere until we can get this straighted out. We enter the public eye and all of the sudden he owns the world and can run into the street anytime he wants, he is invincible, just ask him.

In my eighth month of pregnancy, I am not as spry as I once was 8 months ago, and it is difficult for me to chase after him and I'm sure if any of you have seen us you are dying laughing.

He has no fear, and folks, this is bad. He certainly thinks he can fight off any bad guys that try to take him, just ask him!

When baby (another boy mind you!) gets here is it going to be hard to put down the baby carrier to chase down Mr. Invincible down the aisle...I'm thinking safety harness. Not "leash" as some will affectionately call them...but safety harness.

That is, if we ever leave the house again!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Grocery shopping makes me grumpy.

It never fails, I always save it until we are eating the infamous "breakfast for dinner" that I finally realize we are out of everything!

I don't know about you, but I get very bored with what we eat from week to week, and have a hard time selecting meals for dinner, so I always ask the kids. Their suggestions are always to same too...

Chicken Wings

So, in order for me to do a good job grocery shopping, I scour the cookbooks looking for something NEW and EXCITING to make that will please everyone (if that ever happens, I'll let yall know!)

Yesterday, I bit the bullet and made my menu and then my list of needs. Put my shopping trip off until 4 o'clock (what was I thinking...) and headed off to Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart makes me grumpy...

I love, love, love our United Supermarkets! First of all, being preggo, I like all the help I can get, and at United they bag your groceries, carry them out, and load them up in your car all for you. But the BEST part is...drum roll please, is the Expectant Mommy parking! I am so VIP!

But, in search of super value, and other items...I went to Wal-Mart yesterday. It was crammed...packed, no parking. So, in a huff I drove across town to one of the other 5 Wal-Marts, in my head I consider it the "nice" one.

Two hours and $$$ later, I emerged from Wal-Mart and loaded my own groceries into my car..only to know I would have to do it all again into the house and put them all away while trying to make dinner for the starving children of our house.

Needless to say, maybe I won't wait so long next time...mabye.