Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Grocery shopping makes me grumpy.

It never fails, I always save it until we are eating the infamous "breakfast for dinner" that I finally realize we are out of everything!

I don't know about you, but I get very bored with what we eat from week to week, and have a hard time selecting meals for dinner, so I always ask the kids. Their suggestions are always to same too...

Chicken Wings

So, in order for me to do a good job grocery shopping, I scour the cookbooks looking for something NEW and EXCITING to make that will please everyone (if that ever happens, I'll let yall know!)

Yesterday, I bit the bullet and made my menu and then my list of needs. Put my shopping trip off until 4 o'clock (what was I thinking...) and headed off to Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart makes me grumpy...

I love, love, love our United Supermarkets! First of all, being preggo, I like all the help I can get, and at United they bag your groceries, carry them out, and load them up in your car all for you. But the BEST part is...drum roll please, is the Expectant Mommy parking! I am so VIP!

But, in search of super value, and other items...I went to Wal-Mart yesterday. It was crammed...packed, no parking. So, in a huff I drove across town to one of the other 5 Wal-Marts, in my head I consider it the "nice" one.

Two hours and $$$ later, I emerged from Wal-Mart and loaded my own groceries into my car..only to know I would have to do it all again into the house and put them all away while trying to make dinner for the starving children of our house.

Needless to say, maybe I won't wait so long next time...mabye.

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