Monday, August 30, 2010

Month #1

Today is the one month marker since I have left my job as a book buyer. And I can honestly say where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I as answering 500 emails a day, worrying about the right selection of books for the Christmas holiday. Now it is such a relief the only emails I get are my facebook notifications :) Just kidding, I finally figured out how to turn those nasty things off!

It has been a great month, I have done a lot of things that I probably wouldn't have gotten around to this YEAR had I not been home. Don't judge me.

Yesterday, I dusted my bedroom. This was HUGE! The laundry is done and put away. My husband came home last night, and I told him "Honey, I got all the laundry done!" He said, walking into the spotless closet, "Where are these clean clothes?" He was in shock and awe when I told him they were actually put in the drawers and on the hangers.

But the best thing of all is the precious moments I have had with the kiddos...yes even the horrific fits from Dillon. Now that it has been a month, I think I am boring Dillon to death. I need some hits and tips for activities for a 3 yr, testosterone driven, little boy. He won't even color with me...

Take a look at this website and let me know what you think. What works for you?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sibling Rivalry?

I'm sure I have a distorted view of my childhood growing up...and I'm sure I will be corrected if I am wrong.

But I remember fighting with my little brother quite a bit, and over everything. And then when my little sister came along 8 years later, I remember fighting with her quite a bit as well. It was over different things like not wanting to play dress up and Barbie's at 16. And well for the twins...I was to old to argue with them, it was more with mom over babysitting.

We were never what you considered "close-knit." Oh sure, we took the required baths together, and played along nicely as well. And in our later years have become closer. But my own children are throwing me for a complete loop.

Yesterday afternoon, my daughter was getting a lecture about not "obeying the first time," and my sweet lil punkin Dillon stomps right up to me and says, "Momma, you be nice to my sissy." And believe me, he was NOT kidding. He was about to give me a lashing right there. He then went and gave her a big ole hug. I tried explaining that I was the mom and therefore didn't have to be nice, it was my job to correct...but I think I got two words in and he walked off.

Today, again, we picked up Kasey from school and the first thing out of his mouth was "I love you, Kasey." It was the sweetest gesture.

I am trying to decided if it is better this way or worse. I may soon have a mutiny on my hands if this keeps up!

Only time will tell if this will stick, also let's not forget the addition of the NEW little brother...thick as thieves they say.

Until next time, how was your sibling rivalry?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tooth Fairy

Yesterday was a very exciting day for my girl. It was truly a milestone!

I picked Kasey promptly up at 3pm, by the way, I am so glad to see the pick up lane get organized, it was a nightmare on Monday...back to my story.
I picked her up and proceed to bombard her with questions about her day...

Did you have a good day?

Did you say the Pledge of Allegiance?

Did you get to go to gym today?

Did you eat all your lunch?

To this she replied yes, with a grin that I just happen to catch out of my rear view mirror. I slammed on the brakes and exclaimed "KASEY! You lost your first tooth!!" She calmly replies "Oh, yeah."

I almost died and wrecked the car right there....she wasn't even going to tell me about it.

Apparently, she just pulled it out in the middle of class and was walked down to the nurses office. What? No phone call to mom to tell her this occasion? No note sent home? I can't believe it.

I was excited;y talking up the Tooth Fairy, never have I been so excited to give away $$$, to my dismay, she didn't want the Tooth Fairy to come OR call and tell anyone.

We had a long talk about the Tooth Fairy...I had to get the story straight because she wanted the facts, man.

How does she get in?
Where does she live?
What does she do with all the teeth?
Where does she get the $?

Kasey is very I left the rest of the duties to dad as I ran off to my bible study. I came home to find the tooth still on the table...

Daddy called and postponed the appointment. The Tooth Fairy will be visiting this evening rather than last..she's not scared today.

That's my negotiator!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nature vs Nurture

When I was growing up I was a master at Barbie and baby dolls. Of course not on my own...I owe all my training to my cousin Jennifer. Living out in the country with no neighbors around and only a little brother to play with I didn't know much. But when Jenn and Dave (all other weren't around just yet)moved to town I was enlightened by her Barbie Dream House and Barbie Peaches N' Cream. She showed me the ropes and we could make Barbie furniture out of any old household item.

Shoe box with washrag = Barbie's bed

Little white pizza slice holder from Pizza Hut = quaint little table

And baby dolls...they did everything with me. We drug those dolls around everywhere and were the best little mommas.

Today, as it is the second day without my girl here, I was spending playtime with Dillon. Dill is a man's man through and through. Zero interest in dolls or Barbies! I was stuck on the floor with the car mat trying to fake my way through race car sounds and a chuggin train...he was not fooled.

As quickly as I could start my train off, he would grab it from me and say "No, Momma this way!"

I'm thinking I should have spent more time with Dave blowin' up the GI-Joes! Maybe I could talk Dillon into breaking out Kasey's Barbies...on second thought I better not.

But believe me, I will master the car will not be pretty and could get a little ugly, but with another little guy on the way this Mommas got to be on her game.

Well, it is nap time for Dillon and practice time for me...VROOOOM!

Monday, August 23, 2010


The day you find out you are pregnant, you think about this day.

The day your child starts walking, you think, she/he will be walking into school one day.

The day your child starts to talk, you know they will be answering in a classroom soon.

Then, all too soon, that fateful day arrives. Mine, was today. (tear...)

Kasey, my beautiful, smart, and creative little girl went to her first day of kindergarten. We went and bought all the much anticipated school supplies (see previous post...grrrr), bought a special outfit that she picked out all by herself, and packed a special lunch for school. She woke up so excited, not nervous, but excited for her new experience. She bravely walked into school with me trailing behind, camera in hand quickly snapping away the few precious moments left.

We got into the classroom and she stored her backpack in her own little cubby, and the jitters began. Ms. Wall, her teacher, asked her her glance at me and she was attached to my leg afraid to let go.

I thought "Who is this kid?"

But I knelt down next to her, looked her in the eyes, grabbed her palm and kissed it. I told her, "Whenever you start to miss me, remember my kiss and hold it close, you will have a super day!" And with my brave face on, walked out of the classroom with a quick wave.

The house has been so quiet here this morning without her here. Dillon doesn't quite know what to think yet, he told me, "Are we going to leave her there?" He will be excited to pick her up!

Good luck you all you families out there starting new adventures today...we all know what it's like to start something new.

Be Brave!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Back to School

Today was "Meet and Greet" for the elementary school my daughter is about to start. What a zoo, and my kids fit right in!

Don't me wrong, we are super excited for her to start kindergarten, but I am ready for it to be over already!

This weekend in Texas it is Tax Free Weekend, which is a great and wonderful concept but the weekend before school starts? Not such a hot idea.

This whole summer I have had a school supply list, and have been patiently waiting to save all kinds of mula during Tax Free Weekend. Earlier this week it dawned on me to sit and do the math on what I would actually save.
Estimating $100 in school supplies I would save roughly a whooping $8.25. I thought to myself, is $8 really worth my sanity? I think not.

We went to Target, Office Max, and finally Wal-Mart to complete our ridiculously long school supply list. Surely, they don't use all this stuff right? Nonetheless, we paid our dues and have school shopping completed.

I will NOT wait again next year, and neither should you, save yourselves, and your sanity and shop early when Crayola brand is not sold out!

Can't wait for Monday!!!! Now off to tame the wild beasts that I live with.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's The Little Things...

I find myself needing to invest in a tape recorder. Maybe if I recorded it each time I said something I'd just have to play it back rather than exasperate myself and repeat it.

Surely my children are tired of hearing my repetitions and requests.

"Please pick up your shoes"
"Move that army man before someone breaks a toe"
"Dirty clothes go in the laundry basket not the floor"

and it goes on and on...this was my day yesterday. Kasey had all day to clean her room before the Cleaning Fairy, aka ME with a garbage bag, cleaned it for her. (By the way Cleaning Fairy showed up in all her glory at 11:30 last night)

I was up to my ears in getting kids to pick up after themselves, and I noticed late yesterday afternoon that my sweet daughter changed the toilet paper roll herself. I melted! She even threw the old one away, I couldn't believe it. I didn't even have to remind her! Miracles really do happen.

It is the little things like that simple task of refiling the toilet paper roll that make me feel like I am not a complete failure.

Thank you dear ones for listening...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This morning was a rainy morning...the kind where you can tell your kids, "go back to sleep for a few more's still dark out."

We slept in until 8 am this morning, it was nice. I also got to enjoy a bath in relative peace and quiet.

My skin has been subject to this intense heat and has been very dry, so after I got out of the bath today, I found this old tub of body butter. It is Rasberry Vanilla scented, very nice! And should do the moisturizing trick, right?

After I have slathered this delicious smelling lotion, or should I say butter, onto my arms, legs, and expanding belly, my son comes running in the room.

"Mom! I want some yogurt!" As if I had been sneaking into my room to scarf down the last of the yogurt. I told him, I didn't have any yogurt. He was stunned and searched my bedroom.

I told him it was my lotion I had just put on, he proceeded to sniff each arm and kiss my belly, only then was he satisfied I was not hiding yogurt!

I guess I should wear scented lotion more often!

Monday, August 16, 2010

First Two Weeks

It's Monday! We have T-Minus 6 days until Kindergarten, and Kasey is so excited.

It is offically the start of my third week home, and so far everyone is still alive. The floors still have not been mopped, as it has been on my To Do for two weeks now, but I blame that on my trip out of town last week.

So excited for school to start next week, not just to give Kasey something fun to do, but to finally get a routine established. Don't get me wrong, I love sleeping in, but if you stay in bed until 9, the morning is gone before you know it!

In my head I have the perfect routine scheduled out:
6:30 Everyone up and dressed eating a good healthy breakfast of course!

7:30 Leave for School, kids must be in their seats at 7:55...can't have tardies now can we!

8:00 Me and Dillon back home, get ready for the day
9:00 Mini lessons for Dillon

11:15 Lunch

12:00-2:30 Nap

3:00 pick up Kasey from school

Are my hopes too high that we can accomplish this routine? Probably but if I don't have it planned out, we don't have anything to strive for right?

How do other moms do it and keep everyone on track? Would love some feedback!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Naming Baby #3

Hello friends! Sorry it has been so long, but our computer we have had since college graduation has finally kicked the can. My poor huz has been going through withdrawls from eBay.

I think we have the problem resolved by purchase of a new computer, of which, I have no idea because he tends to make LARGE purchases without me....hmmm, I wonder why?

Back to the reason for this posting, Baby #3. We have been blessed by adding a sweet addition to our family this fall, and more recently found out it's going to be another bouncing baby boy! This is great and wonderful, except I had convinced myself it was going to be a baby girl, and all the names I loved were girl names.

Who doesn't want a Juliet, Sophie, or Daphne? Now we, meaning I, have had to completely change our train of thought on names for this little guy. It would be easier if the huz and I ever agreed on boy names.

Here's his list:
1. Derrrick
2. Jeter
3. Michael
4. Jordan
5. Mickey
6. Lou
7. Barry
8. Landry
9. Payton
10. Bo
11. Jackson
Are you seeing a trend here? Come on, really?!

So we do what all self respecting parents do...we ask the other two children what they want to name the baby. Here is Kasey's list:
1. Zach
2. Cody
3. Martin
(psst all names from Suite Life of Zach and Cody...) umm, no thanks babe, I think we'll pass, but THANKS!

Dillon on the other hand was completely original in wanting to name his baby brother Stedee (like Dede) Raceman!
Stedee Raceman, I wonder how that would work in school? But creative nonetheless.

Naming a child is such a difficult thing, because its not a child, you are naming a future adult who has to endure many years of name he/she didn't select.

Well, wish us luck as we continue to plow through every name book published, and I attempt to steer the huz away from the sports world :)