Friday, August 20, 2010

Back to School

Today was "Meet and Greet" for the elementary school my daughter is about to start. What a zoo, and my kids fit right in!

Don't me wrong, we are super excited for her to start kindergarten, but I am ready for it to be over already!

This weekend in Texas it is Tax Free Weekend, which is a great and wonderful concept but the weekend before school starts? Not such a hot idea.

This whole summer I have had a school supply list, and have been patiently waiting to save all kinds of mula during Tax Free Weekend. Earlier this week it dawned on me to sit and do the math on what I would actually save.
Estimating $100 in school supplies I would save roughly a whooping $8.25. I thought to myself, is $8 really worth my sanity? I think not.

We went to Target, Office Max, and finally Wal-Mart to complete our ridiculously long school supply list. Surely, they don't use all this stuff right? Nonetheless, we paid our dues and have school shopping completed.

I will NOT wait again next year, and neither should you, save yourselves, and your sanity and shop early when Crayola brand is not sold out!

Can't wait for Monday!!!! Now off to tame the wild beasts that I live with.


  1. Teaching in a low socio-economic district I can honestly say no they don't need all of those supplies. My kids have to have pencils, 2 notebooks, 2 folders, and a box a kleenex and we survive. :)

  2. that is amazing! I wish that was all we had to purchase!
