Monday, August 16, 2010

First Two Weeks

It's Monday! We have T-Minus 6 days until Kindergarten, and Kasey is so excited.

It is offically the start of my third week home, and so far everyone is still alive. The floors still have not been mopped, as it has been on my To Do for two weeks now, but I blame that on my trip out of town last week.

So excited for school to start next week, not just to give Kasey something fun to do, but to finally get a routine established. Don't get me wrong, I love sleeping in, but if you stay in bed until 9, the morning is gone before you know it!

In my head I have the perfect routine scheduled out:
6:30 Everyone up and dressed eating a good healthy breakfast of course!

7:30 Leave for School, kids must be in their seats at 7:55...can't have tardies now can we!

8:00 Me and Dillon back home, get ready for the day
9:00 Mini lessons for Dillon

11:15 Lunch

12:00-2:30 Nap

3:00 pick up Kasey from school

Are my hopes too high that we can accomplish this routine? Probably but if I don't have it planned out, we don't have anything to strive for right?

How do other moms do it and keep everyone on track? Would love some feedback!

1 comment:

  1. Schedules are very helpful! We also have one planned out and I just make adjustments the first week or two of school according to what works and what doesn't. I also broke up house work into one or two rooms and one load of laundry each day of the week. That way each room gets "cleaned" once a week and I never get overwhelmed with having to do it all at once. We do pick up as we go beds made, dinner dishes done that night etc. I'm not always on schedule but if I do slack off or miss a day it doesn't add up as fast. ;0)
