Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cleaning attempt

Whew, it's not even 11:30 and I am exhausted!
The daughters room was a disaster zone, LITERALLY, a disaster. Decided this morning it would be a good idea to try to make room for her to play in her room, instead of dragging the toys into my living room.

What started off as a 30-minute job has now become two hours! We are no where near finished. I have tried relentlessly to get my able bodied children to help to no avail. Really folks, whats it going to take?

So far we have only one bag of donation toys and books. It needs to be 3-4. I think we actually made more of a mess than we started with...its so big I don't even want to finish it for sake of the rest of the house.

So you know what we are going to do? Go to the pool! Yes, I know sluffing responsibilities for frivolity, but it's only summer for a limited time, and I know good and well the mess will still be there tomorrow and the next day, and the next.

adieu my friends...hello sunshine and swimming pool

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