Thursday, January 20, 2011

Let sleeping babes lie

I know they say you can't spoil a newborn...but I am certain you can. This new little bundle is very particular about certain aspects of his regimen. Please forgive this post if there are more spelling and or grammatical errors. I am posting via smart phone who often times is not so smart when it comes to predicting what I am going to say. My arms are also being occupied by their 2 month old, permanent resident. Which leads me into this post...

They say that babies at this age can't be spoiled by being held too much, that we should not let them cry it out. Their cries are for basic needs including that of comfort. It just so happens this baby is only "comfortable" when being held. Which is absolutely wonderful an will miss in 6 months, but it also make it extremely difficult to accomplish my basic needs. Yeah, who needs a shower today right?

He also has a very favorite blanket. No, it is not a sweet adorable baby blanket, but it is a huge queen size, blue, super softee! We all fight over it, guess who wins...who ever is holding bitty tiny. Yes, oh yes, this kid is rarely put down.

Not only does he get held all day, in the favorite blanket, but he also has a favorite chair. Babies don't care about such frivolous things you might say...but you would be wrong,my friend.

In adddition to the arms, blanket, and chair, he has a person. Is it the mother who labored sans pain killers? No! Is it the person who provides endless nourishment to his lil growing punkin self? No! Is it the person changing all those stinking diapers? No!

He is a daddy's boy through and through.

While in the chair, with the blanket, snuggled up with dad...he gets the best naps. Like 3 hour naps! That is more than I get at once at bed time! Mom is tolerated with this lil guy...I am his necessity. Dad is comfort.

So you tell me, spoiled?

Next week bitty is going to start sleeping in his own space! Mark my words, I think, I hope...well maybe, we'll see...

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