Monday, March 7, 2011

The Ten Year Plan

One of the most common interview question is "Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years." That question has always stumped me. I have always wanted my answer to be, "Staying home with my kids, running them back and forth to school." But how do you respond with that answer in a job interview where they are looking for a long term commitment?

I am finding myself at a 10 year point, and last night I kept myself awake, reminiscing and thinking about the future. This month my husband and I will have been together 10 year will be our 10 yr wedding anniversary (Yipee! Maui here we come!!), but we started dating a year before that.

I won't get into what I was up to 10 years ago, it wasn't pretty. Meeting my husband was the highlight of that year, and only improved! But at that time, I couldn't see God's plan for the next ten years.

Now, I can perfectly see the next ten years. Here is what I envision it being:

Kasey will be going on 17...this makes me want to tear up, she only has 11 more years with us. That is not long at all. We will be going to watch her cheer at games, fighting over curfew, date nights, and homework. She will be driving, be still my heart, and probably have a boyfriend even though she is convinced she is never getting married and is living with us forever. We will be applying to colleges and planning HER future. She will be beautiful, witty, and smart.

Dillon will be going on 14. He will be about to start high school. I am positive that he will be involved in every sport and excel at each one, this apple did not fall far from his dad's tree. He will be that guy in class that doesn't even have to try to get good grades. Hopefully, not too big of a goof off. But one of those cheeky grins to the teacher and all will be fine. The sound of a basketball dribbling on my tile is inevitable, this I know. The fridge will not stay stocked with teenagers in the house.

My baby, my 3 month old, he will be 10 years old. He will be a fourth grader. I can't quite image what he will be up to, but I am excited to be there every step of the way. Maybe he will also be an athlete, or an artist, or musician or all of them! But I do know, he will be Dillon's shadow, wanting to be a part in everything he does.

I will be in my forties, yikes, my husband will still be 39. We will be married 20 years. What in the world will I do with all my free time with kids in school? Maybe I will be teaching preschool or kindergarten. Maybe my husband will finally get his Camaro, only to have Kasey wanting to drive it every day.

All this said, I know God has a plan for us, not sure what it is, but I know it is good. And I know I will be enjoying every minute of it and then, looking back on now I will know, God is good. Just like looking back to 10 years ago now, and seeing all that God has done for us, it is good.

What a beautiful life...


  1. Beautifully written, Jess. I love the trip down Memory and Future Lanes.

  2. Can't believe it has been 10 years!!! Scary how fast time flies!! hope everything is going good! Wish we lived closer to eachother. Miss you and love you!
